Defective Seat Belt Lawyers
Car crashes are the leading cause of personal injury claims in the United States. Usually, these claims are directed toward a negligent or reckless driver. At E&L, LLP, however, we think outside of the box. There are many factors that can contribute to a car crash other than the obvious details, and our firm is skilled at discovering the hidden factors involved in a car crash, such as a seat belt defect.
If your injury or the injury or death of your family member was caused—whether in whole or in part—by an auto defect, our firm can find evidence to back your claim and to pursue the compensation you deserve.
Our senior attorneys have been nominated as Super Lawyers Rising Stars, an acknowledgment that is received by the top 2.5% of attorneys that means 97.5% of other Southern California attorneys do not qualify.
To Schedule, a Free Case Evaluation With Our Firm, Contact E&L, LLP, at (213) 213-0000
Common Auto Defects: Defective Airbags & Seat Belts
Seat belts are intended to save the lives of their passengers. And for the most part, they accomplish that task. Federal statistics estimate that in car collisions, around 12,000 lives are saved every year due to seat belt use. Seat belts save lives by preventing what experts call a “second collision.”
The first collision in any car crash is the impact between vehicles, but the second collision is the impact between the passenger and their own vehicle. This can include striking the roof, the dashboard, or ejecting through a window or windshield. The second collision is statistically what causes the greatest harm in a car accident.
When a seat belt is defective, it can either not fulfill its intended purpose—to keep the passenger from impacting the inside of the vehicle—or it can fulfill its intended purpose wrongly. For example, until 2007, the center backseat seat belt was almost always a lap belt, or a two-point restraint. During impacts, lap belts were known to cause the lower back vertebrae to separate, causing paralysis. This became known as “seat belt syndrome.”
Other common seat belt defects include:
- Faulty locking retractors
- Unlatching when pulled or yanked
- Appearing latched when it is not secure
- Not providing sufficient tension in collisions
These may seem like minor flaws to many drivers, but they can have serious consequences. If an airbag does not function correctly or if a seat belt is not designed properly, the passenger can be seriously injured or even killed—whether because of ejection from the vehicle, impact injuries to the head or internal organs, amputation of fingers or hands, or spinal cord injuries. Children are particularly susceptible to injuries in these accidents.
Informed & Tenacious Advocacy in Southern California
At E&L, LLP, our respected legal team is proud of our reputation as committed, aggressive advocates. We understand how important your case is and we understand the issues at stake.
Entrust Your Case to E&L, LLP
E&L, LLP, has cultivated attorneys who are prepared to represent plaintiffs in complex personal injury, product liability, and car accident cases. If you have questions about your rights and options following an automobile defect, our team is readily available to help.
If you have been injured, contact our Personal Injury Attorneys at E&L, LLP, by calling (213) 213-0000, for a free case evaluation and consultation.
You don’t pay until we win! That’s our guarantee.