Southern California Attorneys

California High-asset Divorce Firm

When complex financial holdings such as businesses, stock options, or sophisticated retirement plans are part of marital assets, individuals need a divorce firm that understands finance and tax issues. E&L, LLP has the confidence to litigate and protect their clients’ interests in their high net-worth divorce matter and complex dissolution.

High-asset divorce requires the assistance of various financial experts. E&L, LLP builds relationships with tax experts, forensic accountants and business valuation experts as an integral part of the service we provide to protect our high net-worth divorce and complex dissolutions matters.

The identity and valuation of assets as marital and the distribution of these assets are some of the most crucial aspects of any divorce. Working with financial experts, E&L, LLP, will inventory all assets and debts in the estate, which often involves discovering hidden assets.

The valuation of personal and real property, including financial assets, during marriage is critical for equal distribution. In high-asset divorces, the financial assets usually include sophisticated holdings such as:

  • Businesses and partnerships
  • Stock options and portfolios
  • Benefit plans
  • Retirement plans
  • Deferred compensation plans

At E&L, LLP, we assist our clients in determining your liability and the assets to be equally separated, if at all.

Spousal support and alimony are also critical issues when the financial stakes are high. In addition to the standard of living during the marriage, individuals must consider what the reasonable needs of the dependent spouse are. Our firm has the confidence to assist clients with complex support, and can represent either the spouse seeking or contesting alimony.

Our senior attorneys have been nominated as Super Lawyers – Rising Stars, an acknowledgment that is received by the top 2.5% of attorneys – that means 97.5% of other Southern California attorneys do not qualify.

To Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With Our Firm,
Contact E&l, Llp, at (213) 306-5868

High-net worth divorce considerations

Divorces involving couples with substantial assets require special care and consideration. Being that California is an equitable distribution of property state, knowing the proper processes, procedures and tactics for preserving considerable assets is key for a successful high asset divorce attorney. Real estate holdings, stocks & stock options, investments, and art collections can all be complex assets to deal with in divorce proceedings. As a high net worth divorce attorney, we specializes in protecting the property and assets of his affluent clientele in divorce proceedings.

A major part of this process involves assessing the proper value of an estate through the gathering of financial records and 3rd party appraisals of property value. By partnering with assessors across various disciplines, The Lavi Firm has unprecedented access to knowledgeable experts who can properly determine the value of all client assets and holdings before negotiating the distribution of assets leading up to a divorce. The assessment and subsequent division of marital property and high value assets will also have a substantial impact on post-divorce issues such as alimony and child support.

Entrust Your Case to E&l, Llp

If you are experiencing a divorce case, or have child custody issues, contact E&L, LLP, at (213) 213-0000, for a free case evaluation and consultation.